< Princess Eden Adams: Stem Cell Rescue Tomorrow

Princess Eden Adams

A place learn about Eden Adams and her fight against Neuroblastoma.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Stem Cell Rescue Tomorrow

As you can probably gather from the last Update... Eden's counts were right down scary on Friday leading into the weekend. Therefore, she received packed Red Cells and platelets.

After we saw her counts, it was agreed upon by everyone that we should do the Stem Cell Rescue ASAP. She will start hydration at 9 am and then get the stems cells going by 11 am in the morning. There is nothing dramatic about it at all. It looks just like she is getting platelets only it smells like cream corn gone bad. Last time she received them she did spike a little fever for 20 which won her a night in the hospital and if it helps her that is more then acceptable.

Our hope is she will be able to make it back to school on Wed for her last day however, I feel for her fellow students as she will have a bit of a funk to her for a few days.... lol

I have decided to move the Yard Sale to the third weekend of June due to inclement weather.

We will update once Eden is done with her boost tomorrow.


At 10:18 AM, Blogger Olivia said...

I hope all goes well with Eden during this stem cell rescue. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I hope all goes to plan and you can make it to school on Wednesday, Eden.

Thinking of you,


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