< Princess Eden Adams: Christi Thomas

Princess Eden Adams

A place learn about Eden Adams and her fight against Neuroblastoma.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Christi Thomas

I don't even know where to begin. Please pray for Christi and her family. The post from last night was so disturbing that I could only read it in pieces. I am unable to stop the tears every time I think about how she is suffering and how her sweet family have no other choice but to sit there and watch it happen. I honestly thought I would be sick when I read "I, for the very first time, asked God to "please take her now" Until you are faced with the real possibility of losing your child you don't know the strength and courage it takes to let them go when the time comes. I fall asleep every night concentrating all of my efforts on giving them strength to face the next day and I wish there was more I could do. Please pray for reduced pain and peace for Christi and for strength and peace for Angela, Shayne and Shayla. May God be with them! http://christithomas.blogspot.com/

UPDATE: They have stopped Christi's Chemo and are working on a plan to take her home. I HATE this desiese with every bone in my body and would give anything to rid this world of it. I wish for just one second i could understand why these sweet sweet children must suffer this way.


At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christi Thomas has now been discontinued of all chemo due to her LDH being 12,899. I am so heartbroken and on top of that I can't get that darn blogger to let me post. I pray that Eden continues to do well. I will pray for your family as I continue to pray for the Thomas Team.

Debbie Waters

At 11:08 PM, Blogger Jennifer Lehmann said...

My heart is just in pieces for the Thomas Team....


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